HR Block \ Special Offers

1000 WIN $1000 CASH VAULT

H&R Block gave away $1000 to 1000 people every day for 32 days in the beginning of the 2016 tax season. The only problem, was that people didn't know it was real. In the age of the internet, everyone was a skeptic. So we set up a security camera in a money vault with Richard, the HRB spokesperson, and let people take a peek into the very real amounts of cash they could win. The moments were awkward, sorta funny, but mostly just helped convince people that there were piles of cash just waiting for them in a vault somewhere.

Director Ryan Philippi

Creative Director Patrick Figueroa

Copywriter Christine Taffe

Art Director Steph Hayden

Producer Erin Kirby

CCO Jeff Kling


Re-Brand & Print Culligan Water


Billy On The Street TruTV